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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  September 27, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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might have heard before but in this case children are leading the charge and cyclist celebration set for tomorrow that's so big you're advised not to brig your car anywhere near it. . complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. good evening it's thursday, september 27th. i'm gasia mikaelian, and this is bay area news at 7:00. a meeting just wrapped up a few minutes ago where dozens of parents voiced their concerns about the arrest of a teach every ear from albany middle school. 28-year-old james izumizaki was arrested yesterday morning on suspicion of lewd conduct with a child under 14 who administrators said sa former student. parents say they're concerned about the children's emotional reaction. >> i was told that there were a lot of students in tears today
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so my concern is just how everything will get handled and that this not be a huge distraction to their education. >> counselors will be made available to students next week. administrators say the 6th graders in the teacher's class will be reassigned to other sixth grade classes. new at 7:00 a community comes together tonight to take a stand against violence. live in oakland now to tell us what done to bring neighbors there together. >> guys and residents here say there's been an increase in crime so they've had enough. you can see they're wrapping up here. they had a little festival here but earlier today they had a walk for peace [ crowd chanting ] . >> more than 400 children parents and residents marched in the neighborhood today. their purpose: to take back their street sgls we feel that neighborhood safety de pends on people knowing each other, connecting, coming out and knowing who their neighbors are. >> the group marched ten blocks around the neighborhood. organizers say this is a diverse
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area and many people don't speak english so they're hope is by being visible it will be a better community. >> we're trying to encourage people to come out and join their neighbors and meet the people nearby and given the recent up tick in violence in our neighborhood it's really important to gather the community together. >> it was back this year that 41-year-old raf yell garcia was robbed shot and killed in this neighborhood. hope bring people together and help end the crime for their streets. >> you can't know thousands but you can know hundreds and if you know hundreds you're more likely to be out on the street and talking to your neighbors and building community. >> get together and have a little talk and meetings and stuff like that. you know, everybody needs to stop crime. >> no organizers say today's event was a success and they plan to have more in the future. live in oakland i'm paul chambers, ktvu channel 2 news. now to the south bay where a
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rally and march against prostitution is getting underway right now in san jose. neighbors around south street say they've seen a sharp spike in prostitution. some residents say the women are often aggressive and they worry about the children attending two nearby elementary schools, a youth center and a public library. organizers at the event are calling for more police presence man is under arrestt down following a case this morning. officers say about 8:00 a.m. crashed a car near 14th and adeline street. he then ran from the car. they locked down martin loouter king elementary as a precaution. police in a yard around adeline street about 10:00 a.m.. police say the 31-year-old suspect was wanted in connection with an assault. san francisco police say they took 45 people into custody in a sweep of the long-standing occupy of a federal reserve bank on market street.
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police moved in around 11:30 last night. officers say they've given repeated warnings over the past two weeks to clear out. the campers were cited for illegal longings and belongings stored for pickup. some of the protesters said they would return. >> honestly except for people moving our stuff, it just makes us stronger, and i hope everybody else sees that. we're going to stay out here for the long run. >> meantime crews put up fencing around the site early this morning. police say construction work is scheduled for that area. an 11-year-old girl is in critical condition tonight after being hit by an suv while riding a back home from school in novato. the accident happened about 2:00 p.m. right near the intersection of novato boulevard and sandy creek way. investigators at the scene tell us the girl was thrown 100 feet. she was air lifted to the hospital. the driver stoppeds and cooperating with police. we're told the girl's family moved into the neighborhood just a few weeks ago. number of robberies involving cell phones. sflas smart phones or other
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mobile devices account for nearly almost half of the city's 2400 or so robberies involving force or fear. just yesterday three men were arrested after allegedly stealing on ipad and crashing a get away car. one woman we spoke with today said she was beaten up last month in a crowded bar for her iphone. now her employer is funding public service announcements warning san francisco residents to be aware that their gadgets make them walking targets. happening now city college of san francisco's board of trustees is meeting trying to dig out of a financial hole that threatens the school's sur #1r50i68. there's a new bli print being considered here to keep that school afloat. >> city college students are already feeling the pinch. 700 classes have been cut this year. >> i cannot get the classes i wanted earlier this year. there's a high demand of classes but low supply of courses. >> but city college makes many more sweeping changes or risk losing its accreditation and possibly closing. >> the future of city college is
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really what is at stake. >> city college officials are expected to unvail a report this season aiming to keep the college afloat. among their proposals is to close the church street campus which houses night classes and reduce the number of teachers counselors and clerical workers. worried about might what happen. >> i'm still concerned about maybe not having a job the following year. >> there's a great concern about availability and about teachers and fewer teachers to do the work of college. >> the proposals come after a scathing report in july by the accrediting commission which found numerous financial deficiencies. >> people are working very hard to comply with the requirements of this report. >> the college is also considering focussing more on students seeking degrees or transferring to four-year schools. that means fewer so-called enrichment classes students take to improve skills or just for fun. >> they love the fact that they can come and take culinary classes and get jobs in a
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restaurant industry, a number of computer science classes here will get you a job at twitter, zynga. >> officials here have until october 15th to submit an action plan aimed at turning around city college. in san francisco rob ross, ktvu channel 2 news. california's community college system is getting a new leader. gab rice paris is named the next over state's 112 campus system. he'll replace jack who retired this month. paris previously led the reno community college district in sacramento area. make up the nation's largest public college system. over at uc berkeley citizen union workers held a rally today in support of five campus who have been laid off. the building they were assigned to were being demolished. they were denied the opportunity to transfer to other open positions. the university tells ktvu it is work wg the custodians to help find them similar jobs but they
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need to apply to different departments like any other campus employee. the national hockey league announced today it is canceling the entire preseason schedule. sharks would have played their first exhibition game at home tonight. their absence means lost revenue at restaurants bars and stores. the bargaining agreement expired this month leading to the lockout. . meantime the lockout that dropped profootball is over. a standing occasion tonight after a turbulent week of replacement refs after a controversial call between the monday night game between the green bay packers and seattle sea hawks. the eight-year deal raises but pension mrn new hire still needs to be approved by union members. tomorrow is our high school football game of the week. two schools with undefeated records. we'll preview the game for you here on bay area news at 7:00
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then highlights on the 10:00 news over at ktvu channel 2. now to our election 2012 coverage, for the second time in many days president obama and republican mitt romney were campaigning in the same state. yesterday it was ohio. today both spent time in virginia where the economy remains a dominant issue. >> our economy needs to be reinvigorated, and the president has laid out his plan. it's a continuation of the old plan. we can't afford four more years of the last four years. all right. >> romney also making while reaching out to veterans and service members. >> my opponent thinks it's fair for somebody who makes $20 million a year like him pays a lower rate than a cop or a
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teacher who makes 50,000. >> president obama was in virginia beach. he also talked to veterans and service members who spent 40 days now left for the election both candidates are spending the bulk of their time campaigning in swing states. the california transportation commission today allocated $40 million caltrain to modernize track and eventually integrate into california's high speed rail project. the money will go toward a new high-tech signal system that prevents collisions and enforces speed restrictions. it also optimizes a number per hour. the long range is to have the track modernized by the year 2019. a young actor is found dead. now police wonder if he's tied to the death of another person. critical math gears up for an anniversary celebration in the streets. what that will mean were bicyclists and motorists. temperatures a little warmer today. coming up the fog forecast first thing tomorrow morning and the one day in our five day we could be tracking triple digit heat.
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. the red cross is helping find housing after a two-alarm fire and mobile home park in san jose this afternoon. firefighters boston hill. police say one mobile home was enflamed when they arrived and the flames spread to neighboring homes. it took about an hour to bring it under control. happening now more mosquitos fogging in eastern contra costa. within just the last 15 minutes control began spraying in this area we've highlighted between sellers avenue and brentwood boulevard. the health and science center reports the number of west nile cases has been far greater in many cases this year compared to last. our camera was there this afternoon as a technician found breeding mosquitos in this pool behind a vacant brentwood house.
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tell tail riddlers in the cup. >> there were no weather still going. we're still getting reports of birds and mosquitos and chickens. >> another bird testing positive today. this jay frozen for further analysis. infected birds 66% higher than last year and the fraction of mosquitos with the virus about 4 times higher. again, it's warm weather. >> they lay eggs more quickly. they grow more quickly. it also causes the virus to reproduce more quickly. >> this latest map shows positive mosquitos that triangle mostly in the eastern part of the county. right now two human cases in contra costa. nationwide 130 dead, over 3100 sick, likely millions infected who don't know it. there is a vaccine for horses. because the human risk is relatively low, it's hard to prove a human vaccine effective. >> you could give a bunch of subject it is vaccine, but there's no way to know whether or not they're accurate. >> so it's up to each of us to
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control mosquitos, treat our empty standing water, remember to wear repellant when outside and control officials say to fogging because the west nile virus will be with us likely for years to come. health and science center ktvu channel 2 news. the u.s. attorney's office today confirmed the man believed to be behind an anti-muslim film that sparked global protests has been arrested for suspicion of violating his probation. he was taken into custody after going into hiding in southern california. he was convicted in 2010 prohibits him from using computers or the internet for five years without approval from his probation officer. police say a troubled hollywood actor has died after apparently killing his landlady. he was found dead outside a home yesterday. he's known best for his role in sons of anarchy in 2008 and 2009. he apparently fell from the building. authorities say the body of
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81-year-old catherine davis was inside the home. he was released from jail one week ago after pleading no contest to assault with a deadly weapon. moving out of the town he lofed. >> why would west blue done. >> just in the past few weeks, a long-time resident was assaulted in his car and his grandmother's home was robbed. after speaking with the police, they said they advised him to move out in order to protect himself. johnson police department said it is short staffed and has had to prioritize some of its calls. today spain announced its spending plan for the next year calling it budget aid in a time crisis. government ministry faces an average 9% budget cuts and public worker salaries will be frozen. convince creditors that it will continue to reduce an $81 billion deficit. spain may soon seek health from the yur neen central bank.
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u.s. economic news, first-time unemployment benefits dropped. it's the lowest level we've seen in nine weeks and a sign hiring may be picking up. four-week average new jobs fell to 174,000. the market a double dose of economic news. the dow jones industrial climbed 72 points. nasdaq added 42 points. first step into e-commerce, the new service called gift. memo park company launched gift with select vendors today. new users will be able to click on ipod and send a friend a gift card, chocolates or other real-life presents. it'll also remind you about events such as birthdays or weddings. a week-long celebration will culminate in san francisco tomorrow night. david stevenson tells us how thousands of cyclists are set to take over the streets. >> critical mass cyclists are rolling in san francisco from around the country and around the world to celebrate the movement's 20th anniversary in
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its home city. >> when it first started in 92 ae, bicycling was not a mainstream thing. if you were biking you were harassed. >> take over the streets on the last friday of the month. >> the whole idea is it's not a protest. it's basically a community like a bubble of safety moving through traffic. >> it has inspierd similar events around the world that played a part in the explosive growth of bay area cycling and its emergents political force. today 75 thousand people, 3 and a half percent of all commuters use bikes each day in san francisco. >> they get in your way. they go all in between traffic, and i think it disrupts traffic. >> 2000 cyclists are expected for friday's critical mass, bad news for motors who complain of rush hour congestion. >> there's a small percentage of those people who are bad actors who don't know how to behave in public and that's a problem for every mass event. >> if you can avoid driving tomorrow, that'd be great, but
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if you are caught up in the critical mass event, just remain patient. >> critical mass kicks off at 6:00 tomorrow night on justin herman plaza. this year there will be a contingent of children riding to celebrate the anniversary. in san francisco, david steven son, ktvu channel 2 news. the oakland a's gave up too soon today. it fell short to the texas rangers. texas scored nine times in the first four innings. the a's fought back late but lost 9 to 7. they're now two games up on the la angels for the last wild card spot. san francisco giants today ended the home portion of their regular season on a winning note. each hit two run home runs and the giants rolled to a 7-10 victory over the arizona diamond backs. the team also confirmed suspended outfielder melki will not confirm regardless of how far the giants go in the post season. some budding bay area
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musicians are gearing up for a big moment. . coming up we'll tell you about your upcoming date with a well-known pop star and the weekend is supposed to bring a lot of sunshine but a lot of fog out there right now. meteorologist mark will tell us when it's all going to clear out. . and if you're on the go or just away from your tv you can still watch ktvu news casts live on y phone or tablet. to get the app go to [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible.
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. not so long ago there was no such thing as google. in fact, the mountainview company turned 14 today and celebrated accordingly. we counted 14 candles on the cake. in that time google has gone from a simple internet search engine to one of the largest companies in the world. have any doubts, just google it. but we're not going to have to google our forecast because we have a real live meteorologist here. some changes in the next few day sgrs yeah. not just a subtle warmup. you're going to notice change in temperatures just in time for the weekend. right now still fog hugging the coast. already heading into the bay. out toward the coastline possibly a drizzle out there. first thing tomorrow morning, her's a look at the wind. winds gusting 23 miles an hour
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out there at the golden gate bridge. but not well inland. we'll still have clear skies there until we have temperatures maxing out in the 90s toward antioch and livermore. san francisco 66. santa rosa look at that warming up to 90 and san jose in the lower 80s. forecast headlines for tonight we do have this, partly cloudy skies, some fog out. tomorrow mild and warm for the weekend. temperatures going you will really warming back up to the upper 90s to possibly 100 degrees. you'll see that up in the five day. here's our overnight lows. school locations will be in the upper 40s. santa rosa and napa up 48 to 49 degrees. san jose 64. not much change at least for tonight into tomorrow, and the warmest locations inland will be in the upper 80s to right around 90 degrees. watch out for the fog developing once again coast side could be locally dense first thing tomorrow morning even right around the bay.
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there is this area of high pressure warming for the warm weather and this will really boost our temperatures for saturday and sunday. sunday will be the hottest day of the weekend. that inland neighborhoods easily on tracks to each the upper 90s but we also have that north early breeze and clear up the coast and the beaches back up into the 70s. here's our forecast. i will show you this. some dense fog could be a factor first thing tomorrow morning. into the afternoon hours patchy coastal fog. more sunshine inland warmest locations on track reach the 80s to right around 90 degrees as we take a look at your forecast sxhies move around the bay we'll show you those numbers with santa rosa 85. fairfield right around 90 degrees and oakland maxes out right about 70. san jose go with 80 about 3:00 or 4:00 tomorrow afternoon. san francisco some dense fog first thing tomorrow morning temperatures 66. here is a look ahead your five-day forecast. weekend in view temperatures
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going up saturday, sunday, the hottest day and by monday warmest locations inland in the upper 90s to right around 100 degrees so get ready for that and begin to cool things off by tuesday. gasia. thank you, mark. a group of san francisco student social security preparing for a chance to share the stage with a world famous rapper. middle schoolers are set to perform saturday night alongside rapper taboo of black eyed peas celebrating the 10th anniversary of nationwide program little kids rock. donated to san francisco school concerts book headquarters. thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we'll see you the next time news break. i'm gasia mick and our coverage continues with the 10:00 news. tonight we're talking with actress rose san bar. they don't know it, but she is running for president. talk about the issues she is so passionate about. keep in mind tmz is up next right here on tv 36
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dan hurd: when i was a child, california was a leader in education funding.
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erika derry: and the fact that california isn't making it a priority frustrates me. dan hurd: i'm ashamed of that, and i don't want this to continue for my daughter.


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